Andes Central's School Supply List for 2022-2023
There will be a summer football camp for grades 9-12 starting @ 9am on Saturday, July 9th at the AC football field.
There will be a TDA/AC/DC football meeting for athletes & parents on Monday, June 27th @ 6:30pm at the Armour Gym.
All Andes Central Girls Open Gym Schedule for grades 6-12.
Federal Programs Hearing will be Monday, June 13th @ 6pm in the Andes Central School Board Room.
Andes Central School is providing free lunch for any child 18 years and younger from June 6th - August 5th. Please read the flyer for more information.
There will be open gyms for all Andes Central girls & boys grades 6-12. Girls will start @ 5pm on Monday, June 6th @ AC. Boys will start @ 7pm on Tuesday, June 7th @ AC.
Andes Central School is providing free lunch for any child 18 years and younger from June 6th - August 5th. Please read the flyer for more information.
Andes Central School is providing free lunch for any child 18 years and younger from June 6th - August 5th. Please read the flyer for more information.
Good Luck to the AC⚡DC Thunder Track Team as they head to State Track in Sioux Falls! 🖤🏃💛👟
Good Luck AC/DC Thunder Golf Team, as they head to Regions today!
Good Luck to the AC⚡DC Thunder Track Team as they travel to Wagner today for Region Track!
Tomorrow, May 18th, is the last day of school for students. Classes will dismiss @ 12:30pm. Andes Central will also have the end of year picnic. Please go to your child's classroom and they will be dismissed at their regular lunch time. K-1st grade will start @ 11am with the remaining classes after that.
AC/DC Athletic Awards will be tonight, May 16th in the aux gym @ 7pm.
ACE Headstart/Pre-School Round-Up will be Friday, May 13th. Please read the attached for more details.
Andes Central's Senior Spotlights are on the website. Check them out and congratulate our class of 2022, as they graduate on Saturday, May 14th @ 3pm.🎓🎉🎓🎉
Last week, Andes Central students attended the Missouri River Watershed Festival. Kristen Maynard, the HS Science Teacher, was recognized for "Excellent Attendance" since the event started 13 years ago. Congrats Mrs. Maynard!
Please join us, as Andes Central Elementary will be hosting a Family Science Night tonight, from 6-7pm in the AC Commons (please enter through the commons doors). Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Events @ ACSD this week:
05/10-ACE Family Science Night 6-7pm in the Commons
-MS/HS Track-FRC @ Avon 11am
05/11-Feather Ceremony 1pm in the Aux Gym
05/12-TR @ Parkston 2pm
05/13-Headstart/PK Rndup 9:30-11:30am
-V Golf 10am-Girls @ Springfield/Boys @ Tyndall
05/14-Graduation 3pm in the Aux Gym
ACE Headstart/Pre-School Round-Up will be Friday, May 13th. Please read the attached for more details.