Andes Central second and fourth graders are using dice games to practice math patterns and strategies.
Reminder to AC Parents: The Delta Dental Bus will be at Andes Central the week of September 16th. If you would like you child to participate, please fill out the attached form or pick one up at the school . Consent forms are due no later than Friday, September 13th.
Mrs. Maynard's Physical Science class used their knowledge from the previous lessons making measurements in the lab and density problems to experimentally determine the density of different materials.
TDA/AC/DC Thunderhawks will travel to Corsica-Stickney tonight for football action @ 7pm. C-S Booster Club will have a pork loin tailgate from 5-7pm. Good Luck Thunderhawks!
Congrats to the AC/DC Thunder volleyball team as they came away with a 3-2 win over Bon Homme Tuesday night & a 3-0 win over Avon last night!
The AC/DC Thunder Volleyball team will host Avon tonight @ AC. JH games will start @ 4:30pm with JV @ 6:30pm & V to follow. All games will be live streamed at: Good Luck Lady Thunder!!!
Stay up to date on everything Andes Central by downloading our mobile app & enable notifications. Check out the school events, live feed, lunch menu, and much more.
Attention AC Parents: The Delta Dental Bus will be at Andes Central the week of September 16th. If you would like you child to participate, please fill out the attached form or pick one up at the school . Consent forms are due no later than Friday, September 13th.
Mrs. DeHaan's library students listened to The Couch Potato by Jory John, a humorous book about spending more time outside and less screen-time sitting on the couch. After hearing the story, students drew pictures of potatoes doing something fun outside.
Mrs. Derry's Preschool class has been learning about our feelings. We were learning about our calm down area or mindfulness area of our classroom yesterday. We talked about how sometimes we are sad, mad, or really excited during the day and this area can help us calm our bodies down. We showed our friends our sad and mad faces to learn how everyone shows emotions differently.
Andes Central students are preparing for All-State Choir auditions to determine who will be selected for the quartet, which consists of one soprano, one alto, one tenor, and one bass. Good Luck on your auditions!
Tonight, the AC/DC Thunder Volleyball team will host Bon Homme @ DC. MS will start @ 4pm with JV around 6pm and V to follow. Games will be live streamed @ Good Luck Thunder!
Reminder for tomorrow, September 4th, Andes Central students will dismiss @ 12:30pm for teacher in-service.
Tonight, the TDA/AC/DC Thunderhawk football team will host Gregory @ Tripp for their Homecoming. Game time is 7pm & will be live streamed @ Good Luck Thunderhawks!!!
Congratulations to Katelyn, Madeline, Adaya, and Lorence for winning the Barbie Bungee Jump Challenge in Mrs. Maynard's Physics class. Students had to use the slope-intercept form to determine how many rubber bands were needed to bungee jump Barbie 443 cm without bumping her head.
Congratulations to the AC/DC Thunder Volleyball team as they started their season off 2-0 at the Hanson Tournament. They will play the Championship Game vs Hanson tomorrow night, Aug 29th @ 7:30pm. Good Luck Thunder! Live stream:
The AC/DC Thunder Volleyball team will travel to the Hanson Tournament tonight in Alexandria as they play against Sanborn Central/Woonsocket @ 6pm. Following games are determined on the bracket. Good Luck Lady Thunder!
Reminder to AC parents: Students will have regular scheduled class tomorrow, August 21st. We will only have early dismissal @ 12:30pm for staff PD on the 1st Wednesday of each month, which will start September 4th.
Attention ACSD Parents/Guardians: If you are experiencing homelessness, please refer to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act brochure on our website under Documents-Annual Notifications, or Policies JLG and KLF which is located under Documents-District Policies.
Andes Central School District's Child Find information can be found on our website under Documents-Parents, as well as Documents-Annual Notification.