AC/DC Thunder will travel to Colome for volleyball tonight. The game will be live streamed at Good Luck Thunder⚡⚡⚡
Tonight the AC/DC Lady Thunder will host Menno @ AC. The game will be live streamed at Good Luck Thunder!!!
Update from ACSD: You do not need to OPT IN on your text message service. You are currently receiving the text messages. Sorry for the confusion.
Andes Central School District has updated our text message service. When you receive a text message from #98900, PLEASE OPT IN to continue receiving ACS district wide announcements. If you do not opt in, you will no longer receive text messages from ACSD.
Andes Central School District has open positions for an Assistant BBB Coach and MS/HS Band-Vocal Teacher. If interested, please refer to the attached ads.
Andes Central School District has job openings for a Paraprofessional and Home/School Cultural Resource Coordinator. If you are interested, please refer to the attached flyers.
Stay up to date on Andes Central's Events, by visiting our website and click on Events. You can also download our Mobile App. Go to your app store & search Andes Central Eagles, SD. We will post activities scheduled and updates to time & date of the events.
Tonight AC/DC Thunder Volleyball will host Freeman Academy/Marion in DC. 2 MS games starting at 5pm, with the Varsity to start @ 7pm. You may also watch the game live at Good Luck Thunder!!!
As of 09/23/2021 @ 9:15am- Andes Central School District Active Covid Cases/Quarantined:
-2 Staff
-3 Elementary Students
-2 MS Students
-0 HS Students
-0 Staff
-25 Elementary Students
-7 MS Students
-1 HS Student
Andes Central School's Homecoming Week will be September 27-October 1. Attached is the information parents/guardians need to know for next week. Information is also on our website under Documents-Parents.
ACSD will be updating our text message service on Friday, September 24 @ Noon. Once this is set up, we will send out a test text message & it will come from sender #98900 (previously #98901). When you receive this text message, PLEASE OPT IN to continue receiving ACS district wide announcements.
Update to tonight's VB Game vs TDA - MS @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6:30pm, V @ 7:30pm. Tonight's game will be live streamed at
You can also find the live stream link on our website. Good Luck Lady Thunder!!!
Tonight the TDA/AC/DC Thunderhawks host Lakota Tech in Armour @ 7pm. They will also have a hamburger & hot dog tailgate starting at 6pm. The game will be live streamed at Good Luck Thunderhawks!
Andes Central School District has job openings for a Paraprofessional and Home/School Cultural Resource Coordinator. If you are interested, please refer to the attached flyers.
Attention Andes Central Seniors & Parents: Financial Aid Night will be September 22nd at 6pm in Mr. Holmes' classroom. Join us to learn about what FAFSA is and why it's important to fill it out with your student.
As of 09/15/2021 @ 2:15pm- Andes Central School District Active Covid Cases/Quarantined:
-1 Staff
-1 Elementary Student
-0 MS Students
-1 HS Student
-0 Staff
-10 Elementary Students
-1 MS Student
-0 HS Students
Reminder: Andes Central School pictures will be tomorrow, September 16th.
AC/DC Thunder Volleyball team will host the Scotland Highlanders tonight. The game will be live streamed at
AC/DC Thunder Volleyball travels to Platte-Geddes tonight. The game will be live streamed at Go Thunder!!!
Today's JV FB game in Mt. Vernon has been rescheduled to Monday, September 20th @ 4:30pm; The JH game has been cancelled.