Last week, 3rd grade learned about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. They created their own balloons using tin foil. Such a fun project!
Andes Central students will dismiss @ 12:30pm on Wednesday, December 4th for staff inservice.
Last week, students in Mrs. Wilbur's 6th and 7th grade CASE classes showed what they are grateful for with gratitude turkeys!
Congratulations Mahpiya for being the Touchstone Energy Scholar of the Week!
Reminder: Andes Central School's Elementary Concert will be held Tues, Dec 3rd @ 7pm in the aux gym. The MS/HS Concert will be held Thurs, Dec 5th @ 7pm in the aux gym.
Andes Central School's Elementary Concert will be held Tues, Dec 3rd @ 7pm in the aux gym. The MS/HS Concert will be held Thurs, Dec 5th @ 7pm in the aux gym.
Mrs. Sheppard's 5th grade Band Class is preparing for their Holiday Concert.
Students participated in the Voice of Democracy by writing an essay on a patriotic theme and expressing what democracy means to them. The local VFW District 7 Post completed their judging of the essays. Commander Merritt Stegmeier, representing the VFW, awarded Madeline D. with 1st place and Madilyn J. with second place. Their essays will go on to the state level for judging. Congrats Madeline & Madilyn!
Name recognition and name writing is a very important part of Mrs. Derry's Preschool class. Here is one example of how we work on our names. Most mornings students practice writing their names with dry erase markers. Some students copy the letters while others have accomplished writing their first name and now are working on their last names.
Congrats Hunter, Garth, Dalton, and Riley!
Get your AC/DC Thunder Basketball/Wrestling & Eagle gear for the winter season! Click on the following link to place your order. Online store closes Tuesday, November 26th.
Reminder: Andes Central School will dismiss @ 12:30pm tomorrow, November 26th for Thanksgiving Break. There will be no school November 27th-29th.
School will dismiss @ 12:30pm on Tuesday, November 26th for Thanksgiving Break. There will be no school on November 27th-29th.
In Mr. Winter Art Class, Malina taught the 5th graders a lesson on creating a 3D cone illusion for her Senior Experience. 1st graders were working on their Eric Carle collages.
Attention AC parents/guardians: As the winter weather approaches, we ask that you please have your contact information up to date. School closings are sent out by text message, phone call, website, mobile app, Facebook, Keloland, and Dakota News Now. Please contact the school if you need to update your information. For everything Andes Central, download our mobile app - Andes Central Eagles, SD and turn on the Notifications.
Third grade played a Thanksgiving gratitude game using M&Ms. They had to say what they were grateful for based on the colors of the M&Ms. We want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
On Monday, Andes Central FFA traveled to Mitchell to compete in their first LDE for the year. Marin, Emery, Madeline, and Callie competed in Agricultural Issues and their team got 4th place out of 7. Luke and Taylor also competed in Employment Skills & did well. Congrats AC FFA!
On Monday, Cory Greenwood & his team presented to Andes Central staff & students. He spoke with the MS/HS about suicide. Teens are struggling to find a sense of belonging. Now, more than ever, empowering and encouraging our youth to rise above their current circumstances is vitally important. Students left the assembly with a renewed self-image and the resilience to handle adversity. They will be empowered to take responsibility for the solution instead of focusing on the problem. He also spoke with Elementary students about kindness. Every student is unique and has gifts and talents that are valuable. Students will be challenged and empowered to use what they have to help those around them. To be the heroes in their classrooms, homes, friend groups, etc.
The 5th grade classes played a fun game of Kahoot to review the water cycle.
Students taking a break & enjoying some puzzle time!